Bauer reveals how to choose the sweetest watermelon: This is the only way to find it


Determining Stem Color
If you look at the watermelons on display at the greengrocer’s or supermarket fruit counter, they will probably all look the same. In fact, the fruits are quite similar and it can be easy to get the wrong fruits, for example, not sweet enough to eat. However, there is one detail that sets watermelons apart: it is the stem that connects it to the plant.

How do you identify sweet watermelons?
If you look closely at the stem, you can determine the ripeness of the watermelon and choose the right one. If the stem is green inside, it means the watermelon was harvested well in advance. If it is brown, it means the watermelon is ripe.

Check if the watermelon is firm
A sweet, ready-to-eat watermelon is compact and firm. These two aspects help confirm the level of maturity and understand whether it is the right product to purchase.

If the fruit is too firm and does not give when pressed with your hand, it means that it is not ready to eat and needs to continue ripening. Instead, look for a watermelon, which is more sensitive to hand pressure and therefore softer.

Listen to the sounds to find out if it is the sweetest watermelon.
A ready-to-eat watermelon makes certain sounds when touched. To hear the sound, pierce the center of the fruit with your finger and listen carefully. A high tone means the watermelon is not yet ripe, while a low tone means it is overripe.

What’s the right sound that makes you realize it’s the sweetest watermelon you can choose? The dull sound is the right one and the watermelons that produce it are certainly perfectly ripe to enjoy all their sweetness!