Clean, Refresh and Organize Your Fridge Naturally


How often to clean the refrigerator

How often you clean the refrigerator depends largely on how you use it and your personal preferences. However, here are some general tips on cleaning frequency:

Monthly Cleaning of Shelves and Drawers : It is recommended to clean the refrigerator shelves, drawers and bins once a month. This helps prevent the buildup of debris, stains and odors.
Basic Cleaning Every 2-3 Months : In addition to cleaning the shelves monthly, take the time to deep clean the interior of the refrigerator every 2 to 3 months. This includes cleaning walls, nooks and crannies.
Defrosting the Freezer : If your refrigerator has a freezer, consider defrosting it every 3 to 6 months, depending on ice buildup. A defrosted freezer works more efficiently.
Regular Check : Apart from cleaning, regularly check your refrigerator to identify expired or poor food. This can be done once a week during your grocery shopping.
Responding to Events : Finally, if liquids spill or leak, clean them immediately to prevent them from becoming embedded and causing odors.