Grate half a lemon on the stove and wait a few minutes: unexpected


The market today bombards us with objects and products of all kinds. Each of these products is presented as the best of all time, the one that can revolutionize our lives. We fall for these misleading advertisements and spend a fortune on continually purchasing cleaning products and chemicals. Not everyone knows that for cleaning the house we have an indispensable ally, an infallible ally that comes directly from nature: lemon.
Lemon slices

Lemons are citrus fruits with surprising properties. In addition to being an extremely versatile and tasty food from a culinary point of view, it can also help us clean the house.

Lemon has the power to degrease, remove stains, eliminate bad odors and corrode the most stubborn and stubborn stains. The power of this citrus fruit can never be compared to that of a detergent. When sodium bicarbonate is added to the lemon, a miracle happens: the chemical reaction between these two elements dissolves all stains and crusts, especially the most stubborn ones. How to Use Lemon and Baking Soda on the Stove.
Lemon on the stove with baking soda: the most effective combination ever

When we’re faced with particularly stubborn buildup on our stove, it’s time to resort to this tip. A simple, quick, economical and natural tip.

We can say goodbye to products that are toxic to us and the environment. All you have to do is split a lemon in half. The half that we choose to clean the oven must be immersed in sodium bicarbonate . The baking powder automatically sticks to the lemon slice.
Lemon on the stove

Then we can rub half the lemon on the crusts and on all the black parts: we rub and squeeze at the same time to let out the juice. Lemon juice triggers a sensational chemical reaction when it comes into contact with sodium bicarbonate. A small amount of foam is created that loosens even the smallest incrustations. Just wipe everything with a clean cloth and you won’t believe your eyes: everything will disappear as if by magic.