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More tips for cooling your home without air conditioning

I'm trying to cool down

In addition to our advice, you can also prevent the heat by taking appropriate measures:

  • Moisten the soil

Even if the floors in your home are very clean, there is a little trick you can use to freshen up your living spaces in the summer. For example, in the bedroom, remember to wash the floor with cold water before going to bed. This may seem trivial to you, but it is particularly useful: the water immediately evaporates the heat from the ground, at least for a moment, to keep the room cooler. Therefore, the room temperature drops slightly, but immediately.

  • Switch off heating devices

Many people don’t think about it, but some appliances help heat the house better when left on. It is important to remember that any device in operation inevitably emits heat. So if you want to cool your home without relying on air conditioning, consider limiting your use of some common home appliances.

Instead of leaving the TV on in the living room when no one is watching, try making summer recipes that don’t require an oven or excessive cooking times. Also, don’t forget to turn off and unplug computers and other electronic devices, especially at night. Also, avoid using the dryer to dry your hair too often. It will definitely increase your body heat and make you sweat!

If you can keep all of these devices from heating up, you can keep your home a little cooler.

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