How to deodorize shoes quickly?


Lemon peels – Source: spm
  • Coffee grounds to remove bad smells from shoes

In case you don’t know, coffee grounds can be used in a variety of ways, with results that are as surprising as they are effective. It is therefore no coincidence that it is used to eliminate bad odors from shoes. To do this, add half a cup of coffee grounds to your shoes. Make sure it is completely dry so your shoes don’t get wet. Leave it on for a while until the base has absorbed all bad smells. Finally, empty the shoes by shaking them so that the stains are completely removed from the shoes. Thanks to its strong smell and grainy texture, coffee grounds eliminate annoying odors from shoes.

Recovery of coffee grounds – source: spm
  • Bay leaves perfume your shoe rack

Bad smells can also form in the shoe rack and spread inside the shoes. When used regularly in the kitchen, bay leaves can also be used to perfume the shoe rack and thus remove bad smells that arise there. All you need to do is bring a few tulle bags and place a few leaves of this aromatic herb in them. Once the bags are ready, you can    place them in the different corners    of your shoe rack. Its unique aroma    therefore neutralizes any bad smells that    remain on your shoe rack.

Bay leaves – Source: spm

Thanks to these natural solutions, you have the opportunity to permanently solve the problem of smelly shoes without spending a fortune. At the same time, you will no longer feel any discomfort when taking off your shoes.