Layered Bread – Qatlama Patir


In a medium bowl place hot water, cold milk, salt, and mix well. Add pre-measured flour and mix until all of the flour is moistened.
Start kneading the dough until smooth. At most you may need an extra tablespoon of flour in order to scrape the sides of the bowl, clean the dough off of your hands and to finish of kneading. This process can also be done in a stand mixer.
The final dough will not be very soft, but it will be pliable and easily manageable. Divide it into two and cover it with a plastic wrap (or lately my favorite – reusable silicone pouches). Let the dough rest for about 15 minutes.
Using a sharp knife slice through the middle of the rolling pin. Now you have a big layered strip of dough. Remove the rolling pin and again cut through the middle of the dough creating two thinner strips of stacks of dough.
Take one strip of stacked dough and gently place it over the other strip. Starting from the long edge of the strips start rolling them towards the other end, creating one chubby roll.
Tuck the edge of the dough under itself, place the dough on the work surface and gently press on it to create yet another disk.
Use a small rolling pin to roll out a large pancake measuring about 1/2 an inch thick. Don’t make it too thick and don’t make it too thin either.
Using either a chakich (indentation maker in the Uzbek language) or a fork, stab the pancakes creating many indentations. If you would like to use an egg wash to give a nice shin to your bread, do so now. Simply mix 1 egg with 1 tbsp of water and whisk well. Spread the egg wash on the qatlama and decorate it with sesame seeds.
Repeat the process for the second dough because one qatlama patir is just not enough!