Sprinkle a tablespoon on the root and the orchid will grow without stopping for a moment.


Although it is an easy plant to care for, you will still need to pay the utmost attention to everything. You should always avoid spreading parasites , for example. It is advisable to never carry out treatments with chemical products, but always rely on natural solutions.

However, now we want to show you the incredible usefulness of putting a tablespoon of a certain product on the roots and leaves of your orchid. You will be amazed by the powerful growth of the leaves and the remarkable strengthening of the roots . Here you will find everything you need to know.
One tablespoon of this ingredient is enough.

The ingredient that will serve as the basis for this natural fertilizer will be cooked corn . Simply place 100 grams of this product in a container and add a liter of water , preferably at room temperature. How should I proceed now? Let’s find out why cooked corn will be an incredible ally for your orchids. Here are the details.
boiled corn

Cooked corn contains several antioxidant substances , but not only that. It is rich in vitamin B , vitamin C , fiber and many other nutrients beneficial to the houseplant. This ingredient will strengthen the roots and promote the spread of flowering.

You will need to mix the cooked corn and water well. The resulting mixture must be filtered well with a sieve. This juice will be invaluable. There are two ways to treat with this liquid mixture made from cooked corn.

You can first water each root of your orchid with about 3 teaspoons of this juice . This operation will be carried out as needed and will be essential, because all the nutrients will be absorbed more easily by your orchid.

However, the resulting liquid can also be “exploited” in another way. You will put everything in a container fitted with a spray bottle . Simply give this juice to the orchid leaves, spraying the solution on them from time to time. Over time, you will notice that the orchid will grow exponentially and become stronger and healthier.

This solution will also help your orchid prevent the spread of any diseases due to pest attacks.