This ingredient is worth its weight in gold, use it in these useful ways


They always end up in the trash. However, they can be used in different ways towards a zero waste goal. They’re really banana peels. However, you can recycle them! Did you know that they have multiple benefits for your home, including your kitchen and garden, but also for your body? Let us show you clever tricks to enjoy the benefits of the fruit most appreciated by the French.

In short, bananas are full of resources. Since nothing is lost and everything is transformed, we reveal some tips for enjoying the peels of this yellow fruit.
Why shouldn’t banana peels be thrown away? Recycling them is better…

You will definitely change your habits if you realize the benefits of banana peels. Because yes, they are rich in nutrients and fiber and can even be recycled . Banana peel is a biodegradable waste that can be used in compost, as fertilizer for your garden, serve many other uses at home, or even enhance the beauty of your body. Zoom in on this healthy food that you can use more intelligently.
What is banana peel used for in your garden?

The carom of the mythical comics to make the enemy slip, the banana peel is not just for this joke! Rich in vitamins, mineral salts and potassium, it also finds its place in many tips used daily. Don’t throw them away! We tell you how to use them wisely.
Banana peel as plant fertilizer
Turn banana peel into fertilizer in the garden: a natural fertilizer for your plants and your vegetable garden

Do your plants need to be fed? It’s very simple: banana peels will be enough to encourage growth and growth. You have several options for this:

Use the tip of the banana as fertilizer

Once you have eaten the bananas, keep the ends of the peel called the “stalk”. Dry them directly in the sun. Then put them in a jar. The banana stem fibers will be used as fertilizer to ensure healthy and vigorous growth of your plants.

Simply place a piece in each plant, then sprinkle with water. Repeat the operation twice a month. You will see an amazing result on your plants. The lush greenery in your garden or balcony is yours!

So what to do with the other part of the banana peels? No need to throw it away, your garden needs it too…

It will also serve as fertilizer for your plants.

Soak 4 to 5 banana peels in a liter of water.
Leave to macerate for a few days.
Filter the mixture.
Dilute in 5 volumes of fresh water.
Store in a bottle and use the liquid to water the plants once a month.

Another way to feed your plants is also to bury pieces of peel in the soil or place them at the foot of the seedlings. Caution: Make sure they do not touch the feet of the plant.

What better way to boost your plants! With this trick, therefore, you promote the growth of your plants by strengthening them. These peels will help your garden fight disease… Roses and tomatoes will love this natural fertilizer.

Compote with banana peel

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