This is the only way strawberries can be stored for a whole year: they become even fresher


To preserve strawberries for a whole year, just follow this method that no one knows about: they will be delicious and fresh.

Bottled strawberries

Red and juicy strawberries  , you can’t love them. There are those who would like to enjoy it all year round, but are content with this short period and buy whole boxes. It is a fruit rich in vitamins and mineral salts, in addition to being versatile for preparing fruit salads and homemade desserts, as well as smoothies and other delicious juices. Wellness experts have found a way to store them year-round, ensuring they stay fresh and available whenever you want them.   How are you doing ? Let’s find out together.

Store strawberries fresh for a whole year

As already mentioned,   strawberries are loved by everyone   . Red and juicy, they are suitable for any type of preparation, from the classic as an appetite suppressant for lunch to the preparation of smoothies etc. An ingredient with a sweet taste that delights the taste buds that celebrates all tastes.

In order to always have them available, the experts wanted to reveal a  little secret  for preserving them for a whole year.

Method for strawberriesContinued on next page