Tips for Cleaning and Degreasing your Lacquered Kitchen Furniture


Having a bright kitchen helps create a welcoming and pleasant space. We give you some tips to achieve this and maintain impeccable hygiene, including for cabinets, which are often neglected even though they undergo a lot of wear.

What to do and what not to do

Avoid Harsh Cleaners
Lacquered furniture is elegant but sensitive. Avoid using aggressive cleaners such as acetone, limescale removers, nail polish remover, bleach, products with high alcohol content, or oven cleaning products. If necessary, use these products only on the white parts of the facades, rinsing them quickly.

Rinse After Using Detergent or Black Soap

If you use laundry detergent or black soap, be sure to rinse the upholstery thoroughly. Otherwise, these products will leave unwanted greasy marks.

Avoid Abrasive Products

Avoid using abrasive sponges or powder products to clean lacquered furniture, as this may cause scratches. Likewise, be careful with products like magic eraser sponge or clay stone. If you use them, be sure to dilute them considerably.

Clean Gently

Use gentle, circular motions to clean lacquered furniture. Choose to use a soft cloth to avoid damaging the surface.

Respond Quickly to Projections:

Quickly clean splashes and dirt that are still damp using a cloth. Dried splatters will be more stubborn to remove.
Effective Ways to Clean

Baking Soda:

In a bowl of warm water, dissolve 4 tablespoons of baking soda. Impregnate a microfiber cloth with this solution and gently clean the fronts of the furniture. Rinse and dry.

Damp Microfiber Cloth:

For daily cleaning, use a dampened microfiber cloth to wipe down lacquered furniture, followed by a dry cloth almost immediately.

Dishwashing detergent:

Clean with a cloth or sponge soaked in a few drops of liquid dishwashing detergent. Then wipe with a dry cloth quickly.

Soapy Water and White Vinegar:
For a more thorough clean, add a little white vinegar to soapy water. This solution is effective in removing encrusted dirt.
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