3 drops of shampoo in the washing machine drawer: the secret of laundromats


Have you ever tried adding 3 drops of shampoo to your washing machine drawer? This is the secret of laundries.

When we collect our clothes washed and ironed by professionals, the satisfaction is maximum, how much we wish we could achieve the same results at home!

Immaculate, immaculate, with bright colors and dazzling white, well-stretched fibers and an intoxicating aroma – wearing clothes like this is one of the main pleasures in life.

That’s why when it comes to doing laundry, we always strive for perfection!

In addition to carefully choosing detergents and softeners, depending on the characteristics of the fabrics, we pay attention to the temperature, the spin, the appropriate program, but the result does not always satisfy us.

With this clever trick, however, we’ll always be excited about our work!
3 drops of shampoo in the washing machine drawer: the secret of laundromats
3 drops of shampoo in the washing machine, the secret you should know

For very clean and fragrant clothes, 3 drops of shampoo in the washing machine drawer are really enough. They will make a difference! The reason is immediately understandable. This type of product, in fact, relaxes and closes the scales of our hair, sealing them. Eliminates dirt and bacteria. Perfumes and softens. All these peculiarities are also very useful when it comes to laundry, everything when it comes to fabrics.

Silk, lace, especially what we fear we might ruin if placed in the drum, will actually find maximum exaltation if washed with the addition of this special detergent and originates them.

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