Clean Heated Stovetop: Here’s How to Clean Up the Mess After All That Cooking!



Clean Heated Stovetop: Here’s How to Clean Up the Mess After All That Cooking!

Let’s start with one of the ingredients that our grandmothers and those who like to use eco-sustainable cleaning products use most: vinegar! Polishes steel, dissolves limescale and disinfects.

Fill a bowl with hot water and two glasses of vinegar, then remove one piece at a time from the heat. Submerge everything in the solution you just made and let it soak for 2 to 3 hours. Finally, rinse under running water and rub stubborn stains with a soft cloth. In short, no hassle!

Like vinegar, lemon cleanses thoroughly and has an additional power: it leaves a very pleasant aroma! Divide a citrus fruit in two and pass it unchanged through the different parts that make up the burners. It acts like a sponge and becomes even more intense when combined with vinegar.

However, if you prefer not to scrub, prepare a pot with water and 1 glass of lemon juice. Bring to a boil, turn off the heat and immerse the embedded parts in the pot. Place the lid on and let decant for 3 hours. Finally rinse and enjoy the results.

If you bought citric acid to soften clothes in the washing machine, you should know that it is also very useful for degreasing the panel. Its anti-limescale function is so strong that it is ideal as a stain remover. All you have to do is dilute 150 grams in a liter of water, pour it into a spray bottle, shake vigorously and spray on the crusted areas. Leave it on for an hour, then wipe and rinse. Beautiful or?

Let’s move on to yellow soap, which is very effective against grease, dirt and deposits. Make a ball by mixing it with a little baking soda, then place it on a sponge and rub vigorously. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse with hot water. Voila, like new!

This is how you ensure that your stove always shines!

Now that they’re shiny again, keeping them that way is a breeze with this natural cleaning blend. To do this, all you have to do is mix the following:

  • 200 ml lemon juice,
  • 200 ml vinegar,
  • 100 ml water,

Put the solution in a spray bottle and use it for daily cleaning!

Your countertop will be bright enough to blind you!