How do you remove static electricity from clothes in the washing machine?


To prepare delicious dishes in the oven, to dye or smooth hair, to store food or to wrap leftovers of food… Aluminum foil is an essential tool at home and has many uses. Including a little-known but very judicious use that you probably didn’t know: it protects your clothes with every wash and prevents them from getting excited. Take a look at this fantastic suggestion!

In fact, when washing clothes in the washing machine, a certain amount of electric charges are immediately released. This can significantly damage linen by consuming fabrics or even tearing fragile fabrics. This static electricity can come from the washing machine itself or from the friction of the clothes during washing. Hence the phenomenon of electrification of fabrics, often annoying and unsightly. So why would it be useful to incorporate 3 foil balls into the drum? We explain everything to you.

Aluminum ball – source: spm

How do you remove static electricity from clothes in the washing machine?

The washing machine is the place where most of the static electricity accumulates, because the more the clothes rub against each other when they are dry, the greater the electrical charge generated.

By introducing foil balls at each wash, you will notice that they absorb all the static energy, preventing clothes from being damaged or electrified.

The method is very simple to do: all you have to do is insert three foil balls, the size of a golf ball, and follow the usual steps for each laundry, with the detergent and washing program you usually practice.

N.B: In the event that the items you wash tend to discharge a lot of electricity, it is essential to use the fabric softener during the washing cycle, in addition to a short centrifuge program to avoid aggravating this problem.

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