Just one cup per month is enough: the flowers and roots bloom all year round


In the container where we put the filtered rice water we can add the solution previously made with the onion peel and in this case too filter everything carefully. A good mix and we got a perfect mix, rich in nutrients for the orchids before fertilizing.
The solution lets flowers grow in no time

Before proceeding with the application of this mixture, it is always best to moisten the leaves by spraying some water on them. That’s not all, because experts recommend pouring some water into the orchid soil so that the fertilizer is absorbed better. How long does it take before you can apply fertilizer? The ideal would be to wait about thirty minutes for the roots to turn green.

Fertilizer can now be applied. We first absorb some of it with a cotton pad to distribute the solution on the leaves. With this simple method, orchid leaves no longer have to deal with insects and fungi and can benefit from a large amount of vitamins.

Minerals prove to be an exceptional ally for leaves that can become healthier and stronger. The alternative is to pour the solution into a spray and spray it on the leaves, applying once or twice a month.

Misting must also be carried out under the leaves in order to effectively combat fungi and parasites. Finally, it is possible to pour the solution into the soil of the vase to promote a very rapid growth of these wonderful flowers and to strengthen and strengthen the leaves.