Put a sponge in the fridge and save! How and why


However, there is a trick , a real ace up your sleeve, capable of keeping food fresh for as long as possible.
Put a sponge in the fridge and save! How and why
Put a sponge in the fridge and save! How and why

Yes, a regular sponge can be essential to keep food fresher for longer and therefore save some money.

Before using the sponge, it is necessary to clean the refrigerator well to remove all traces of dirt and then dry everything perfectly.

After that, you only need to place two sponges in the fruit and vegetable container.

By using this trick, rotten fruits and vegetables will be an unpleasant distant memory precisely because the sponge will absorb the moisture caused by the low temperature of the refrigerator.

Of course, it’s important to remember not to set the refrigerator too low because it could damage the food prematurely.

At this point, all you have to do is use the sponges and then enjoy the results.

Good luck with your work.