The trick to reviving a dry orchid whose flowers have withered


The orchid is a tropical plant that loves warmth and humidity. Therefore, it must be watered regularly, especially during the growth phase. If there is no water, the orchid dries up, its petals fall off, and its roots acquire a gray color. If you forgot to water your orchid to the point where it’s becoming dry, don’t panic! you can always save them. Find out how to revive a dry and wilted orchid.
The orchid is a flowering plant that can be grown very well at home, provided it has the necessary conditions for its proper development. With poor care, your plant could dry out and die. However, you can save it so that it blooms again.

How to revive a dry orchid?
Here are the steps to save your wilted orchid:

Cut the Stem
If the orchid is dehydrated, its flowers will fall off and its stems will dry out. The flower stalk is a stiff stem on which the flowers develop. It can also carry up to 20 flowers.

The first help you can give your plant is to remove its wilted flowers and let them rest. To stimulate the flowering of a dried orchid, it needs to be pruned. To do this, count 2 buds from the base of your plant and cut the dried stem 1 cm from the 3rd bud.

Take care of the roots
If your orchid’s roots are white or black, remove them with scissors so as not to contaminate the rest of the roots. Also remember to remove dead roots. Press your fingers on the roots, if some are soft it means they are dead and therefore need pruning. Keep only the aerial roots, which are always useful.


Once you’ve cleaned your plant of dehydrated roots, stems and petals, you’ll need to repot it to change the substrate. In fact, who says a new substrate means a new supply of essential nutrients to help your plant bloom again?

Do not use a standard substrate to repot your orchid. Your orchid needs a substrate rich in clay pellets, peat moss, coconut fiber and charcoal, and pine bark, among other things. Also, consider choosing a clear plastic pot to constantly check the condition of the orchid’s roots. Repotting can be done every 2 or 3 years.

Therefore, you need to provide your orchid with the necessary conditions for its proper development.

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