You will never throw away egg cartons again after discovering how valuable they are at home


Egg carton, for example, seems to be ideal for building a simple holder for your mobile phone , so you can take photos, record videos and make video calls without having to hold the phone in your hand. Just cut the cardboard to obtain a small piece and then cut a part of it as in the video to make the support hold the smartphone.
The perfect egg cartons for earphones and pencils (and more)

But that’s not all, because egg cartons are also very useful for earphones. Every time we finish using them we never know where to put them: the ideal is a container , which can be made from an egg carton. All you need to do is make a cylinder into which to insert the headphones.
Reuse egg cartons
Egg cartons should never be thrown away: they can be reused in many ways –

Again with the newly made cylinder it is possible to find an excellent place for various other objects: think for example of pencils and pens, so as not to always have to go looking for them around the house.

Finally, incredible but true, the egg carton can also prove to be an exceptional tool for storing rings, bracelets and necklaces. When the various accessories no longer fit into the classic containers, a piece of egg carton becomes perfect for the purpose: all you have to do is cut out a piece of cardboard and turn it upside down, so as to insert the jewelery into the cavities. Nothing easier!