Zucchini plants will also benefit from adding organic fertilizer or compost before sowing or during the growing phase, to provide the plant with the nutrients needed for healthy and vigorous growth. Then, once the plants have reached a certain height ( usually around 20 cm ), it will be useful to thin them out by eliminating the weaker shoots in order to allow the stronger ones to receive more food and living space . By following these simple but important tips , you can easily get a beautiful collection of tasty fresh zucchini. But removing excess from the plant, like leaves or secondary spray, is not as simple as many think, there is a precise technique on how to do it. Let’s see which one.
How to Cure Zucchini Plant
A beautiful, healthy, lush zucchini requires some attention in order to grow at its best. Here are some tips on how to take care of it.
Zucchini Plant Care
The first thing to do is to make sure the plant has enough water , but without overdoing it. Watering depends on the weather conditions, if it is hot you need to water more often, if the weather is cool or humid just water once a week . It is necessary to remove excess leaves from the plant as they can prevent fruit development . You can also remove the male flowers as they do not contribute to zucchini production.
Using natural fertilizers also helps maintain the health of the plant. For example, abundant organic compost mixed with fertile soil can be used to enrich it with essential nutrients . Another important practice is to eliminate parasitic insects that can attack the plant, aphids, white gnats and red spider mites are just some of the most common invaders.
A final helpful tip is to remove the secondary spray from the zucchini, allowing the plant to concentrate on growing the main fruit and therefore producing larger, tastier zucchini. Following these simple tips guarantees good plant care and a bountiful harvest throughout the summer .
Remove the secondary stream from the zucchini
Zucchini is an easy to grow and very productive plant, but sometimes it can give problems to our garden. One of these problems is secondary tossing of zucchini which can harm the growth of the main fruit.
Remove the secondary stream from the zucchini
To eliminate this annoying inconvenience, it is necessary to intervene quickly. The first thing to do is to identify the secondary shoots and gently remove them using a pair of sharp scissors, and the cut should be made 1-1.5 cm from the main trunk. And, the removal of shoots should not be done indiscriminately , some of them can actually be useful in promoting the development of the main plant. If we cut them all out, we could significantly reduce our zucchini production.
As an alternative to removing secondary jets, we can also replace them with real daughter plants. Simply detach them from the parent plant when they have reached the right size and explant them into suitable soil.
We also remember that the secondary jet of the zucchini should not be wasted , in fact it is a valuable ingredient for culinary preparations such as omelettes or minestrone.
What is the secondary jet and how to reuse it in the kitchen
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