Put a handful behind your front door – you’ll get rid of this common problem


Next, take a few cloves and dip them in the vodka. Use enough cloves to completely cover the surface of the vodka. Let the cloves steep in the vodka for 24 to 48 hours. Meanwhile, the vodka will extract the essential oils from the cloves, creating a repellent solution.

Once the infusion time is up, you can place the repellent solution near doors and windows, where silverfish tend to enter. You can use a funnel to pour the solution into a small spray bottle if you prefer a more targeted application. Spray or place a few drops of solution in strategic locations, such as windowsills, crevices, or other areas where silverfish might find an entry point .

How to use this solution?
Cloves have natural repellent properties that can keep silverfish away. These insects do not tolerate the smell of cloves and will tend to avoid areas treated with the repellent solution.

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