Never leave the washing machine door open: this is a big mistake!


The Dangers of Leaving the Door Open
For a long time, popular belief held that leaving the washing machine door open after use helped reduce the buildup of mold and bad odors. However, this practice may actually cause more harm than good. Instead of ventilating the machine, it instead exposes the interior of the machine to increased risks of damage.

Risk of Damage
Leaving the washing machine door open significantly increases the risk of damage. The hinges may crack, the lock may be damaged, and the rubber seal may crack, causing the washing machine to malfunction. Additionally, this can promote scale buildup, which affects the performance and durability of the device.

Solutions for Effective Maintenance
To avoid these problems and ensure the proper functioning of your washing machine, here are some simple but effective maintenance solutions:

1. Use of Salt
Salt is an economical and effective remedy to combat tartar. Carry out an empty wash cycle every two months by adding 1 kg of coarse salt to the drum of the washing machine. Use high heat to dissolve salt and remove scale deposits.

2. Cleansing with Citric Acid
Citric acid is an excellent natural cleaning agent. Add a few tablespoons of citric acid to the detergent compartment or dilute it in water for an empty wash. Its action dissolves tartar and prevents its future accumulation.

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