Black mold on the windows will no longer be a problem, citric acid will take care of it


Use stronger solutions: For more severe infestation, the use of sodium chloride may be necessary. This substance, which is present in most anti-mould products, can instantly remove mould. Apply it to the affected areas as instructed, then wipe. Also make sure you ventilate the room well after use.

Natural alternatives: If you prefer a less chemical approach, you can use a cloth soaked in vinegar. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and can be used to clean the bathroom or refrigerator. In addition, the unpleasant odor disappears rapidly.

Conclusion: Mould control on windows requires rapid action and effective solutions. Whether you opt for chemicals or natural alternatives, it is crucial to maintain adequate ventilation in your home to prevent the formation of mold. By following these tips, you can keep your windows clean and healthy, improving the quality of the air in your home.