Potatoes stuffed with ham and raclette cheese


Stuffed potatoes are well known. Frequently, they are large and the garnish uses bacon or diced ham.

For today I'm offering you a simple little recipe that's perfect for dinners and which generally pleases the whole family: potatoes stuffed with ham and raclette cheese.

Result ? Everyone is asking for more, we really enjoyed ourselves. A delicious accompaniment for white meats or fish... Or with a small salad. , it was great !

Follow the recipe and prepare it too, the ingredients are counted on your fingers, they are very few and you may already have them! Try it
So here are some explanations:

To make the recipe a success, you must measure the ingredients carefully and prepare them before starting the recipe. You must also respect the cooking time and temperature, so follow the steps described below step-by-step.
So, for the recipe, you need:
Ingredients for 5 to 6 people:

see continuation on next page