The secret to making your house and closet smell incredible Natural method!


Have you ever walked into a room and felt immediately calmed by its aroma? Smells have a powerful impact on our mood, and in the modern era, many turn to artificial fragrances to achieve this effect.However, these solutions may contain chemicals that, in the long run, are not ideal For those who want a more natural and healthy option, we have discovered a delightfully simple and effective method.

Using just a few natural ingredients, you can transform the atmosphere of your home and closet, achieving a scent that is not only pleasant but also therapeutic.

Sea saltĀ (about a handful)
Essential oils of your choice (such as lemongrass, vanilla, lavender, bergamot, frankincense, chamomile, among others).
Cloves (optional, but highly recommended for a deeper aroma).
A bowl or jar.
An old or disposable mask.
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