PATE: White the yolks and sugar with whiplash and relax the mixture with a little water.
Finger mix the flour and butter cut into small plots to obtain a sandy consistency and all the butter is absorbed (. It is necessary to act quickly so that the mixture does not soften too much.)
Pour the liquid mixture into the middle of this “sand”. Incorporate the elements into the knife quickly without giving them body.
Form a ball with the palms and milling 1 or 2 times to make the ball homogeneous.
Dress a mould 25 cm in diameter with the pulp, line with baking paper and dried beans. Cook in white for 20 to 25 min at 180 C (thermostate 6).
PASTIC CREAM: Put the boiling milk with the chosen perfume (vanilla or other).
Work the egg with the sugar until the dough makes the ribbon, add the flour.
Pour the boiling milk over the mixture by turning well.
Put back in the saucepan on the fire. Cook by turning very carefully. Remove after boiling.
Pour the cream over the bottom of the pie and arrange the cut strawberries in 2 nicely.
Author's note:
"I use the same dough as for meringue lemon pie ... It's a delicacy.