Add a spoonful to the water and water the peace lily. New leaves will appear quickly


Commonly known as spathiphyllum, the peace lily is one of the easiest plants to grow. Native to the humid forests of South America, the peace lily also grows in some tropical areas and thrives perfectly indoors, as long as it is well maintained. Here’s the trick that will make new leaves grow.

To live, most plants need water and light, and the peace lily is no exception to this rule. However, although it is considered an easy plant to grow, its maintenance requires particular attention so that it can flourish in the best possible conditions. In this article, we give you the trick to stimulate its flowering.
How to maintain the peace lily?

Peace Lilies

It’s no secret that plants grow faster when properly cared for. This is the case of the peace lily which can grow extremely quickly and reach around 1 meter in height. Indoors, exposed to light or shade, the spathiphyllum adapts and thrives, regardless of the season. However, adjusting shading and light will preserve its leaves from drying out while promoting its growth. Furthermore, it is between May and October that its flowering is most abundant. Here are some tips that will help you maintain it.

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