Clean and shiny toilet, this is the trick that even 5 star hotels use


The process and the natural ingredient

Before using the purchased product to clean the  toilet,  you need to clean our toilet with toilet paper. Immediately afterwards, put a spoonful  of soda  into the toilet, preferably the ecological and multi-purpose toilet.

Once this is done, using  rubber gloves and being careful not to let the products come into contact with the skin, spray  the plumbing cleaning product  onto a sponge and begin rubbing it on each surface of the toilet.

Once the  toilet bowl is covered with the product,  take a  microfiber cloth  and wet it and squeeze it well and put it on  the toilet  so that all the previous cleaning agent is absorbed.

Water: the method to clean it perfectly

Then cover the  toilet bowl  and use the brush to remove all  the soda ash  and let it drain onto the floor. Finally, take a teaspoon of this ingredient and dissolve it in water.

Take a surface cloth and moisten it with the solution and pass it over the  toilet seat  so that all residue and excess dirt can be removed.

In this way, our  toilet bowl becomes  absolutely clean and disinfected and remains shiny for a long time, which makes everyone who uses our bathroom jealous and asks us the secret of such a thorough cleaning.