Cockroaches at home come out of the toilet: how to make them disappear in less than 24 hours


How to get rid of cockroaches by preventing their appearance at home

Preventing and eliminating cockroaches once and for all is difficult. In most cases it is necessary to seek help from specialized people, without wasting time because if they lay eggs it is the end.  Other times you can fix it yourself. 

It is advisable to avoid the use of sprays and insecticides of any type, which are not only bad for your health but also solve the problem immediately.

Rather, you should try natural methods, for example, it may be useful to sprinkle the soil with crumbs of dried leaves of  aromatic plants.  This makes the environment hostile and no longer hospitable to them.

Alternatively, you can use a mixture  of baking soda and sugar  that is sprinkled on the highest risk areas. The toxic compound for them is an excellent repellent.