How often should houseplants be watered in winter? The mistake you should not make to prevent them from fading


Plant irrigation is a fundamental parameter. Excess water, as well as lack of humidity, can be fatal for plants. However, many people never manage to find the right fit and often repeat the same mistakes. To prevent your plants from wilting prematurely, it is important to take into account several factors: climate, light, soil, type of plant and its water needs. Knowing that in winter the frequency of watering should decrease, here are some tips to follow.
Watering in winter: the golden rules

inside plants

Water is essential for the survival of plants: it not only keeps them hydrated, but also promotes good nutrient absorption. All plants need water. Except the dosage varies from species to species. Therefore, it is important to have as much information as possible about each plant to determine all of its needs. However, most of the time, watering indoor plants is not well controlled. Some venture to flood their flowers according to their wishes, others establish rituals by choosing a specific time to spray their plants. No, there is no specific time to do it, experts say.

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