Magic Tricks using WD-40!


There are a lot of things that WD-40 can loosen, protect, and remove. The presence of silicone is one of the unique selling points of this product. I was originally introduced to the concept by my dad, who operates a body shop. Here are a few examples of how I put it to use...

hacks for WD 40
Loosen door knobs and locks with its help.
Have you got a jammed door or a lock that won't turn? Apply a small amount of WD-40, wipe off any excess, and then begin to wiggle the lock and handle; it will immediately loosen and run smoothly again.

hacks for WD 40
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After spraying it over the hinges and wiping off any excess, you may open and close the door many times to eliminate the squeak.

Get rid of oily fingerprints
You may use a little spray to remove fingerprints and other greasy stains off doors and other surfaces that have been coated with grease.

Cut tense tools and scissors free.
When you have sticky residue in your scissors and they are stuck shut or open, spray a bit on them, wipe off the excess, and start wiggling them; they will open up immediately. You can also use this on equipment like pliers and garden shears.

Keep your shoes dry and protect them from the elements.
Put some on a rag and use it to wipe out your shoes. In addition to cleaning and moisturizing, it will also make them resistant to the elements.

Deter Insects
If you spray some around the exterior base of your house, you can keep pests out.

Detach the hoses
Have you ever had a sprayer that wouldn't budge from your hose? After a few minutes of spraying the threads with the product, you may begin to twist them. You'll be able to twist it off easily when it loosens.

If your glass is insect splattered, just spray some WD-40 on it and brush it clean with a towel.

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