The brilliant trick to make plants flower very quickly


What other natural fertilizers to make plants flourish?

  • banana peel

Rich in vitamins and minerals, banana peel can be used as fertilizer for your indoor plants, but also for plants in the garden or vegetable garden. To make a liquid fertilizer, place 2 or 3 banana peels in a glass jar with water. Make sure you close the jar tightly and let the preparation rest for a week. Then remove the peels and use this banana water to water your plants.

Note that banana peels are also used to enrich compost. In fact, when they decompose, they release phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron and nitrogen. These nutrients promote the flowering of plants , stimulate their root system and increase their resistance to diseases.

  • Coffee grounds

Cheap and handy,  coffee grounds are an effective fertilizer  for acidophilic plants, which appreciate acidity, such as tomatoes, blueberries or roses. To do this, pour a bucket of water, two cups of coffee grounds and leave to infuse for 24 hours. All you have to do is water your plants with this liquid fertilizer.

You can also sprinkle some coffee grounds around your plants or mix it with potting soil.

  • cooking water

The cooking water from vegetables, pasta and rice is very effective for watering plants, but also for nourishing them and providing them with the vitamins and mineral salts necessary for their growth. After cooking these foods, save the water and  wait for it to cool before using it.

Thanks to ingredients that are easily found in the kitchen, such as eggshells, you will be able to fertilize your plants, so that they can flower and develop healthily.