The genius trick to remove mold from the bathroom and leave it sparkling


Despite proper tile cleaning, mold can build up in the grout and regular cleaners are not effective enough to remove it. Luckily, there are tricks you can try with your chips to get rid of them quickly and efficiently. Find out which ones.

Mold stains that appear on the walls or ceiling are a very recurring problem that affects all rooms in the house where the humidity level is usually high . Although mold can grow along a wall, it is most commonly found near the ceiling.
Why does mold form?

A warm, humid environment encourages mold growth. One of the signs of high humidity is condensation which can be caused by inadequate insulation materials or by household activities such as washing clothes, showering or cooking. When humid air comes into contact with cold surfaces, such as walls and windows, it can cause condensation . Water infiltration is also a common cause of increased humidity and therefore mold growth. Places such as basements, attics, exterior walls, and balconies are particularly prone to mold growth.

When moisture builds up, condensation forms and unsightly mold stains appear, especially on the bathroom ceiling . Thermal changes are also a common cause of mold growth. Especially in a house or room that is not ventilated daily or not properly ventilated, the chances of mold growth increase.
How to prevent damp and mold in the bathroom?

To prevent mold from appearing in your bathroom, it is important that you make sure that the ventilation is working properly. A poorly ventilated bathroom can easily become a breeding ground for mold.
It is also important to ensure that water infiltration issues are addressed, as water seeping into home structures can promote mold growth.
Finally, if the foundation of your house is not waterproof, this can cause capillary problems and encourage the appearance of mold.
That’s why it’s important to take steps to reduce humidity in the bathroom , such as installing an air dehumidifier and repairing it if necessary.

How to get rid of mold in the bathroom with natural tricks?


with baking soda

Mold can be harmful to your health and the health of people living under the same roof.  Continued exposure to these fungi can cause serious problems such as allergies  , infections, and other illnesses. That is why it is important to control its growth at home.

You can prepare an effective solution to  eliminate mold  that may be present on the walls and other elements of the bathroom. To do this, simply  mix three tablespoons of baking soda and one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide.

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