Towels get softer, whites become brighter, and laundry smells nicer when you use vinegar.


Also, if your towels have an unpleasant odor, you may use vinegar to remove it. Dipped the towel into a combination of 20 drops of lavender essential oil, 1/2 liter of water, and 1 glass of vinegar. Last but not least, wash and rinse it well. Towels soaked in a mixture of two cups of vinegar and hot water can be washed in the machine instead.

2. A vinegar solution may be used to eliminate stains from clothes; simply apply the vinegar directly on the spot and allow it to settle for a few minutes. Wash it well with warm water afterward.

To make a whitener for clothes or towels, use equal parts vinegar and warm water. To get rid of the vinegar, rinse it off with cold water after a few minutes.

vinegar as a fabric softener
Using white vinegar instead of commercial fabric softeners is a great idea. To use it, all you have to do is follow these simple steps.

Mix white vinegar and water in equal proportions. After rinsing the garments thoroughly with lukewarm water, soak them for many minutes (at least 20).

4. Keep the colors
Whites in particular may be miraculously preserved with vinegar. The ratio of water to white vinegar should be 1:1. Rinse the garments after a few minutes of soaking in the solution.

Just add vinegar to the specified fabric softener basket to wash white garments.