Aluminum foil and salt, you can’t imagine what happens: what it consists of and why everyone does it


Then close the aluminum foil creating a package. Let it rest for at least half an hour. In this period of time the jewelry will return like new. Just wait until half an hour has passed, then  rinse carefully but quickly  with warm running water and dry. The final result will be incredibly beautiful, the jewelry will be shiny and clean again.

The remedy for jewelry that has darkened over time

Once you’ve discovered this trick, you won’t necessarily have to leave your jewelry at home when you go to the beach. You can safely continue using them and then get them back once you return. Salt and aluminum foil  can also help when jewelry turns black due to sweat, at  any time of the year and not necessarily in summer.

For the effect to last a long time, both on cutlery and jewelry,  just wrap everything in silver paper  before placing it in the drawers. This method helps ensure that they do not blacken over time and that they remain beautiful and shiny. In addition to jewelry, you can try doing the same with cutlery. Excellent success is assured.