Coffee grounds, throw them down the toilet: you have no idea what’s happening


But of vital importance is not only the coffee itself, but also what remains once consumed: yes, the grounds . Because? Because they are miraculous for the home , especially in the bathroom if they are poured into the toilet . What happens? All the details about it!
Coffee residue in the toilet: after a few seconds the result is incredible

It is well known that coffee should not be abused , as it could: increase cholesterol, upset the consumer or, worse still, cause insomnia. In all this, soft drinks funds play an important role .

Drink waste, in fact, is used to make and solve various things in our daily lives . They are very useful for cosmetics, gardening and horticulture.

Finally, for some people they also have a mystical value according to the divinatory art of caffeomancy . The reading of funds, according to taxomancy, has the objective of predicting the future . But this “endowment” will not be the object of our in-depth study: in fact, we will discover the miracle they produce if they are poured into the toilet !

This action has a very specific reason: to eliminate bad odors that could arise from the toilet . In any case, it is necessary to put 5 or 6 tablespoons of ground coffee in a liter of warm water .

After this, it is necessary to pour the mixture into the toilet and wait a few minutes before flushing : at that time any negative emanation will be repressed.

So that the bathroom continues to be a place without unpleasant odors, it is necessary to repeat the above every 10 or 12 days .