It can happen to anyone to do the laundry and, once collected, notice that a woolen item has ended up among the items destined for hot washing. Although it may seem like a tragedy, there are tricks that allow us to recover felted items .
First of all, you need to avoid doing what is often done almost instinctively, that is, trying to “iron” the head with your hands. It doesn’t work: the fabric fiber will break and the garment will be ruined forever.
First trick to recover felted woolen items
You only need a basin, some water and baby shampoo. Fill the basin with cold water and add two tablespoons of baby shampoo. If you don’t have it, you can try regular laundry softener or hair softener.
Dip the felted item and mix well to soak all the fibers of the fabric. Leave the garment to soak for 30 minutes, then remove it from the basin and remove the excess water without wringing it excessively. It should remain moist, but not soggy.
Lay the garment on a dry towel and roll it up, it will help absorb excess water. Place the garment on another dry towel and slowly stretch it in each area to “bigger” it. You can do this several times, until it has regained its original size.
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