Lush flowers for months


Lush flowers for months

If you want to make this truly effective organic fertilizer , first you will have to take the remains of a fruit, which you surely already have in your pantry or refrigerator. If this is not the case, you can buy it for a few cents in the fruit shop near your house: we are talking about oranges.

You will have to let it dry in the sun. You should know that orange is rich in nitrogen , phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C, which are nutritious elements perfect for making all your plants flourish and activate the growth.

After drying the remains of the orange , you will have to reduce them to flour, blending them. Now all you have to do is sprinkle this powder once every 30 days on all your plants, mixing it with the substrate. In this way it will activate the microbiota of its substrate and the covering will be enriched with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and vitamin C compounds.
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