How to Clean Your Sofa / Couch with Oxi Clean


Are you tired of those stubborn stains on your couch that just won’t go away? Well, look no further! In this post, we’ll show you how to effectively clean your sofa with Oxi Clean. With just a few simple steps, you can make your couch look brand new again.

The Challenge of Having Kids

When you have young children, it can feel like having nice things is impossible. Our beautiful leather couch had to be replaced because of the damage caused by our little ones. So, we turned to the second-hand market, knowing that we would probably have to replace it again in a few years. Why spend $1250 on a new couch when you can get a gently used one for $250?

Discovering the Magic of Oxi Clean

After purchasing a used couch from Craigslist, I discovered the magic of Oxi Clean. The washable covers have saved me multiple times from stains caused by various “incidents.” However, there was one stubborn berry stain that I just couldn’t remove from the upholstery.

That’s when I turned to OxiClean Stain. This multi-purpose product has over 101 uses, making it a great value for money. But for now, let’s focus on using it to clean your couch.

Cleaning Ingredients You’ll Need

To clean your couch effectively, gather the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup of water
  • Oxi-Clean scoop (to the “B” line)
  • funnel
  • spray bottle

Step-by-Step Couch Cleaning Process

  1. Add the OxiClean to hot water (no need to heat it, just use the hottest setting from your faucet). Stir well to combine.
  2. Pour the mixture through a funnel into your spray bottle, attach the nozzle, and shake well to further combine.
  3. Spray the stained areas of your couch until they are wet but not completely saturated. Allow it to sit for 5 minutes.
  4. Use a damp white cloth to wipe away the stain after the 5 minutes. Then follow up with a dry white cloth to remove any excess stain treatment.

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