Why You Should Never Kill a House Cucumber If You Find One in Your Home



With their many legs and quick movements, a house centipede is a scary thing to find in your bathroom in the middle of the night. You will find them less scary when they reduce the number of cockroaches, spiders, and ants in your home.

House centipedes eat all of these insects and also have large appetites, which means they are almost guaranteed to help prevent another pest problem.

Some may still want to get rid of these insects, however. Reducing the humidity in your home and trapping house centipedes in glass containers are just a few ways to eradicate house centipedes from your home.

Taking a captured house centipede to an area with moist rocks or soil will allow them to return to the wild to do their intended job.

House centipedes, unlike their counterparts, are not venomous and cannot even bite human skin. The small amount of venom they produce can only harm the small prey they are so useful in eliminating.

Will you still kill house centipedes if you find one in your home? Let us know why!