Don’t buy avocado anymore. Here’s how to grow it at home


How to grow an avocado tree
Here’s how to grow one at home
1 avocado pit
4 toothpicks
1 pot
Soak the pit in hot water between 35 and 40°, for half an hour.
Carefully clean the avocado pit, insert 4 toothpicks into it, at equal distances from each other. Then put it in a glass filled with water; the toothpicks should keep the pit half soaked so that the rounded part remains exposed to the air. Change the water in the glass when it becomes cloudy.
Place it out of the sun but in a warm place until the stem grows and the roots become visible. This growth can take 2 to 6 weeks. Wait until other leaves grow and the roots reach 1 or 2 centimeters before planting the pit.
How to plant the pit?
In a large plant pot, filled with nutrient-rich soil, put your pit in it by making a small hole, making sure that the end of the seed is exposed to the outside.

How to take care of it?
Once the avocado tree is planted, move it to a sunny spot in your home. Water the tree generously and regularly, making sure that the soil remains moist but not saturated. If you notice that the leaves become dry and dark, it is because it is not hydrated enough. Then put your pot in the sink and let the water flow into the sink to ensure drainage through the hole in the pot.

Conversely, if the leaves turn yellow and sag, it means that the tree is overwatered. In this case, you should stop hydrating it for a few days and reduce the amount of water in the future.

You must be patient before the tree bears fruit. In the meantime, have fun and remember that gardening is the best therapy for anxiety and stress.

Tips for storing avocados:
If you happen to buy green and underripe avocados, you can ripen them at a good temperature by putting them in a brown paper bag. By adding an apple to the bag, you can speed up the process, since the apple will release ethylene that will ripen the fruit quickly.
It is possible to freeze the avocado, by pureeing it and adding a teaspoon of lemon juice.
To prevent the avocado from discoloring, only prepare it when you are ready to serve it or put it in the refrigerator covered with cling film.
Avocado contains a large amount of vitamin K, which is necessary for blood clotting. Therefore, people who are taking anticoagulant treatment should limit their consumption.
Some people who are allergic to latex may also be allergic to avocado since it contains the same compound, hevein, which is thought to be responsible for this allergy.