If You Find A “Bleach” Patch In Your Underwear, You Better Know What It Means 😮 I Had No Idea…


These comments serve to further emphasize the normality of this event and challenge any misconceptions related to hygiene. Another comment enthusiastically states, “I fully support normalizing discussions around bodily functions! And all other topics as well.” A third person chimes in, “As a vagina owner myself, it’s important to note that not everyone will experience this issue. There’s nothing wrong with you if it happens, and there’s nothing wrong with you if it doesn’t.”

So it turns out that bleach stains on your underwear are pretty normal.

Medical News Today confirms that the typical pH of the vagina is between 3.8 and 5.
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However, this balance can be affected by factors such as infections, douching and the presence of menstrual blood. According to The Mirror, Dr Vanessa MacKay, spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, explains: « The vagina has a self-cleaning mechanism through natural secretions. It contains beneficial bacteria that serve to protect it.

Dr. MacKay further notes that any disruption to this natural balance can potentially lead to infections like bacterial vaginosis or thrush. As well as inflammation. She emphasizes that it is completely normal and healthy for a woman to produce clear or white vaginal discharge. Reinforcing the importance of understanding and accepting these natural bodily functions.