Things hung at home will dry in just 10 minutes using the pot method.


Hanging clothes at home when it becomes a problem

Drying clothes at home can become a problem over time because the home environment inevitably generates stale air and high humidity that is absorbed by the walls and quickly turns into mold. This is a problem not only for aesthetic reasons, because seeing moldy walls is not the best, but also because it is harmful to health.

Despite this, many people hang laundry at home in any room. There are those who do it because they have no alternative, because they do not have a balcony or window, and there are those who do it because it is practical because you always have everything at hand, this way you avoid going out.

To hang laundry properly at home, the first thing you have to do is choose the right room, whether it is a living room or a bedroom, a kitchen or whatever. Whatever the room, you should keep the window or balcony open even when it is cold. Air circulation is mandatory.

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In any case, it is advisable to choose rooms that are not occupied by people during the day so as not to suffer too much from the cold and not to breathe too humid air. In this case, a dehumidifier can be useful, which allows you to dry your clothes quickly without making the environment too humid.

Dehumidifying the room: the cupping method
Those who do not have a dehumidifier can use old grandmother’s tricks to reduce the humidity caused by wet clothes without spending a penny. To dry any medium, fill a glass with rice or coarse salt and place it under the dryer. These two ingredients just mentioned have incredible properties that allow them to absorb moisture naturally in just a few minutes.

To leave clothes hanging at home and find them dry for a few hours, you need good heat sources that speed up and simplify the drying process. Those who have them can use a heater: simply moving the dryer closer to the heat source without putting anything on it can give amazing results.

As trivial as it may seem, this solution is the best, placing clothes on it can be counterproductive, just as the load on the radiator can even damage the clothes. The last important and important rule is to limit access to the places where you leave clothes hanging.

First of all, if there are people who smoke, it is best to keep them outside, especially immediately after they finish smoking, because the smell of smoke, even a light one, is easily absorbed by wet or damp clothes. Finally, in no time and without realizing it, you may have to wash them again, ruining the job.

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