Don’t Throw Away Those Lemon Seeds


Don’t Throw Away Those Lemon Seeds Discover Their Hidden Value

It’s simple to ignore the small seeds that you typically discard when juicing lemons. However, did you know that, when handled properly, these seeds can be worth more than gold? It’s time to give them another look and see what possibilities they may have if you’ve been throwing them out carelessly.

Because of their unique flavor and culinary adaptability, lemons are highly valued. They are rich in vitamin C, but they also have a naturally occurring acidity that helps with digestion and reduces bloating. Lemons are a popular crop in the Mediterranean and have a rich cultural and commercial history, having originated in Asia.
Lemon zest, juice, and pulp are frequently used in cooking, but the seeds are sometimes forgotten. Still, there are a lot of strategies to maximize them. Here are some pointers:
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