Never Throw Away Bubble Bags. These Bags Do Wonders for Your Kitchen


Bubble bags are not only used to pack goods, but they also have many other great uses, especially when used in the kitchen.

Bubble bags are often used to pack fragile and scratch-prone goods and products, such as: glassware, ceramics, crystal, crafts, … to prevent shocks, limit the risk of damage and breakage during transportation. Today, with the development of online shopping, the demand for using bubble bags is greater than ever.

Often, after receiving the items delivered by the shipping service, we usually throw away these bubble bags because we do not know what they are for. In fact, this product is very useful when used for the kitchen. Here are some of their uses:

  1. Put the air bubble bags under your cutting boards
    When you use a cutting board to cut something, its flat and slippery surface makes you easily cut yourself. At that time, to prevent this, you just need to place an air bubble bag under the cutting board. In addition, this air bubble bag also helps to reduce the noise when you use your cutting board.

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