Rats and Mice Disappear in 1 Minute


Rats and Mice Disappear in 1 Minute Without Poison or Trap

Natural pest repellents can rapidly and safely eliminate rats and mice in your house. Without poison or traps, you can drive rats away with unpleasant scents and substances. The method is here.

Mice and rats disappear with natural repellents

1. Peppermint Oil

Why It Works: Rats and mice have a keen sense of smell and find peppermint oil offensive. It hinders navigation and communication, driving them away.


Soak cotton balls with pure peppermint oil.
Cotton balls should be placed near access points, walls, and corners where rodents have been seen.
Replace cotton balls every few days or when they lose smell.
The pungent aroma of peppermint oil can deter rats and mice within minutes.

2. Onions

Why It Works: Rats and mice dislike onions’ pungent smell. Onions’ Sulphur components repel these bugs.


Place onion slices in areas where rats and mice may enter or hide.
Replace onion slices every few days as they dry out and lose potency.
Rats and mice will go immediately due to the strong smell of onions.
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