Ways to deodorize the refrigerator are extremely simple and effective


10. Bread

Bread is loose and spongy so it also has a high moisture absorption capacity. You can wrap a piece of bread in foil. Use a toothpick to make a hole in the wrapped piece of bread. Then put it in the refrigerator. You can use this piece of bread for 2-3 months depending on the amount of food in the refrigerator.

Or if you’re more lazy, you can put the bread in a paper box, cover it tightly, make a small hole and put it in the refrigerator.

Above are 10 extremely effective ingredients when used to deodorize cheap refrigerators . A few exceptions are if you have applied all 10 methods above and there is still an odor in the refrigerator, then I think you should spend your free weekend to clean the refrigerator.