Washing machine, put all the clothes in a bag: the old trick of our grandmothers


A second reason is related to washing and drying. If we hang out our white clothes without rinsing them, therefore full of product residues, the sun could discolor them. Or, if we pick them up from the clothesline when they are still wet and fold them and put them in the closet or drawers, we cause the garment to retain all the humidity and become yellow.

Washing machine
Even the use of perfumes can make our white clothes yellow. Stains on them, in the same way, can cause the color to turn yellow. An oil stain, for example, or sauce or blood, once gone, could leave yellow residues.

Luckily, however, there are some valid remedies to make your clothes return to their maximum splendor. All you have to do is get some products, which we are sure you already have at home, and use them with the help of a little bag.

This is a truly ancient method, used by the best housewives and especially by the grandmothers of all of us. Many have wondered how it worked and what it was for and above all how it can help us save money with our washing machine.
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