6 Tips for Growing Avocado in a Pot and Getting it to Fruit


3. Ideal Soil

Avocado needs acidic soil with a pH from 5 to 7. The ideal mix comprises equal parts peat, coconut fiber, and worm humus. Finally, add a handful of perlite to ensure proper soil aeration.

The soil must also drain water well. Avocado is susceptible to waterlogging.

4. Basic Care

  • Cold: Move the plant indoors and place it near a window to ensure the right amount of light. If you decide to keep it outside, cover it with a thermal sheet.
  • Warm: Use a shade cloth to provide shade and prevent the sun from scorching the delicate leaves.
  • Watering: The pot must have good drainage. If water is lacking, the leaves will show brown spots on the tips.

5. Fertilization

Add fertilizer during the warmer periods of the year, i.e., when the plant develops and forms shoots.

You can use the same worm humus you used for the soil mix. Just place it on the pot’s surface.

6. First Pruning

After about a year, the avocado will reach a height of about 60 centimeters. It’s advisable to trim the ends to facilitate branching and prevent it from growing in one direction.