How To Keep Your Bathroom Smelling Fresh Without Using An Air Freshener


2 – Cotton with essential oils

This trick is simple: soak a cotton pad in an essential oil of your choice and place it in a strategic spot in the bathroom.

You can opt for lavender, lemon or even cinnamon essential oil. Note that you can also scent your car with this trick, or soak a clothespin in essential oil and attach it to the car’s air vents.

3 – Aromatic soap

One of the simplest and most classic options is aromatic soap. You can choose a soap with the scent of lemon, lavender, the sea… The choice is yours, and you can place it strategically in the bathroom. What’s more, this trick is inexpensive yet very practical.

4 – Cinnamon and vanilla: gourmet scents

To prepare this homemade aroma, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • Vanilla extract
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 cup vinegar
  • 4 cloves
  • 1 cup water

Place all ingredients in a saucepan and boil over low heat for two minutes. Strain the mixture and leave to cool. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray it all over the bathroom.

5 – Lemon, the citrus of freshness

When it comes to eliminating unpleasant odors, there’s nothing better than the citrus freshness of this citrus fruit. Thanks to its citric acid, lemon removes stubborn tartar stains and also helps to disinfect metal and glass surfaces.

This citrus fruit is interesting because it leaves a fragrant lemon scent that spreads subtly throughout the bathroom. To take advantage of this, simply rub the bathroom or glass surfaces with half a lemon to clean and disinfect them while deodorizing the room.

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