I Thought I Was Living a Dream with My Perfect Fiancé, but I Found a Nightmare under His Mattress


“It’s just a treat, Eric,” I replied, a bit taken aback by his reaction.

He firmly shook his head. “We’ve got to stick to our healthy routine. How about I make us some smoothies instead?”

I sighed, feeling a bit like a child being scolded. “Sure, smoothies sound good.”

Then there was the way he monitored my TV viewing. One night, as I settled in to watch a new drama series, Eric walked in and glanced at the screen.

“Another drama, Mel? How about we watch that documentary on space exploration instead?”

I chuckled. “Eric, not everything has to be intellectually stimulating. Sometimes I just want to unwind and enjoy a good story.”

He sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulders. “I know, but I just want us to keep learning and growing together. Isn’t that important too?”

He had a way of making it seem like everything he said and did was perfectly reasonable. I mean, how can you argue with someone who wants you to be healthy and knowledgeable?

Our wedding plans brought out more of Eric’s controlling side. He asked a lot of intrusive questions about my health and family background.

I joked that he was more thorough than my doctor, but it was weird. Still, I loved him, and I wanted to believe everything was fine.

I later realized those moments were early signs of the deeper, more sinister influence Eric exerted over my life.

Then came the coffee cup.

It was a chilly Monday morning, and Maria insisted on making me a coffee to go. She handed me the cup with a kind smile, saying, “It’s cold outside. This will keep you warm.”

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