Applying a little toothpaste to the kitchen knife: the butcher’s trick


Did you know that you can achieve an unimaginable result with a little toothpaste on your knife? That’s right, we’re talking about the butcher’s trick to solve a problem, let’s find out which one!

Toothpaste is a product that we generally use to brush our teeth and keep them clean and healthy. Regular brushing with this toothpaste , which comes in different consistencies and flavors, is essential to have white, well-groomed teeth and keep various cavities and infections at bay.

However, many people do not know that toothpaste can also be used for other very useful purposes. For example, in addition to oral hygiene, this product is useful for many household tasks, but butchers even use it to sharpen knives. Let’s discover so many ways to use toothpaste!

Clean the steel with toothpaste

The whitening and slightly abrasive effect of the toothpaste helps remove stains and makes surfaces such as steel shine. To leave this material shiny and shiny, simply press toothpaste directly on the steel and spread it over the area to be cleaned, even with your hands.

Leave for about 5 minutes, then wipe with a slightly damp cloth and dry with a dry cloth, preferably microfiber.

Toothpaste for burnt iron

How many times does it happen to you that the iron burns and you can’t iron the clothes? Burns can damage clothing, so it is necessary to clean the iron well to achieve correct ironing and avoid damage.

Using toothpaste, especially mint flavored, is a very easy way to eliminate iron burns. Simply spread the toothpaste, rub with a toothbrush and then remove the remains with the steam from the iron or a little hot water. Dry carefully after the operation.

Sharpen knives with toothpaste

As we have already mentioned, toothpaste is excellent for sharpening knives. This method is very popular among butchers who need very sharp knives to perfectly cut meat. In fact, after prolonged use, the knives seem dull and do not cut well.

Toothpaste contains abrasives, detergents, antibacterial agents and a special substance called silver film agent that plays an important role in the friction that occurs during knife sharpening.

The process is widely used in butcher shops, simple and quick to carry out and also saves a lot of money . Furthermore, butchers use this trick whi